Saturday, November 25, 2006

Episode # 9 - Truth Behind Support

Reading and responding to your emails, nighttime munchies, Lite Pumpkin Pie recipe, Dove "Evolution".

Download The Truths Behind Weight Loss - Episode 9

As always, Weigh-In is Friday, come and join me!

Hope you enjoy and take care!

Friday, November 24, 2006

Friday Weigh-In!!

So, how did you all fare Thanksgiving? I hope you all enjoyed yourselves! And...If you enjoyed yourself a little too much, DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT. Put it behind you and pick up right where you left off! I MEAN IT!

Ok, so I'm glad to say that I'm back to a couple of weeks ago, although the pumpkin pie might catch up with me by next week :-0.

Current weight: 176.3
Difference from last Friday: -0.5 lbs

Oh, I also wanted to say so sorry about not shooting out a podcast for before Thanksgiving. Things got a little too hairy on Wednesday with all my holiday prep, and I just couldn't get it done. But you'll be hearing from me very, very, very soon!

Take care and let me know your weigh-in by clicking on comments just below!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Back from ear infection hell!

Sorry I've been scarce lately, I've been nursing my children's ear infections while, of course, trying to keep myself well. I've been popping the echinacea like candy. I'm going to do a quick motivational Thanksgiving podcast later, you might hear some of the insanity that is my home going on in the background!

Check in for the podcast tonight!

Take care!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Friday Weigh-In !!!

Ok, not such good news, but I know next week will look up, what with bloating and all...

Here we go:

Current weight: 176.8
Change from last week: +0.4 pounds

I know I'm not alone, so I won't get discouraged!

If you would like to post your info for today's weigh-in, just click on the "comments" button right underneath this post and add a comment!

But I've already got some info!

Heather has lost 4 pounds this week!
I'm doin' the wave for you Heather!

Take care, everybody, and I'll be checking the blog for more of your posts!


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Episode # 8 Show Notes

These are the brazil nuts I mentioned to help fight cold symptoms. The catch is, after thinking about it, I figured you'd probably have to each a pound of them to reap the cold fighting benefits. Oh well, I guess just keep washing your hands!

Oatmeal Cookies

1/2 cup sugar
1 cup Splenda brown sugar blend
2 large egg(s)
1 cup unsweetened apple sauce
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp table salt
3 cup uncooked oatmeal (quick or old fashioned)
1 1/2 cup all-purpose flour

1. In a medium bowl, combine flour, cinnamon, salt, and baking soda. Set aside.
2. In mixer, combine sugar and apple sauce. Add eggs.
3. Slowly add flour mixture until combined.
4. Add oatmeal.
5. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes.

Makes 48 cookies. WW points - 1 per cookie

Monday, November 13, 2006

Episode # 8 - Truth Behind The Holidays - Part 1

Personalizing the holidays, finding others who have lost weight, oatmeal cookie recipe, don't forget weigh-in Friday!

Download The Truths Behind Weight Loss - Episode 8

Friday, November 10, 2006


Ok, here we go everybody! I'm going to post my first weigh in. This is taking a lot of courage to do this, and opening myself up for goodness knows what.

But I know that there are a ton of very kind, supportive folks out there who will join me in this endeavor.

Ok, enough talk. Here we go!

Weigh-in info:

Current weight: 176.4
Difference from last Friday: -0.1

Suggestions for myself for coming week:

Keep active every day with help of pedometer
As always, plan out meals ahead of time

Well, there ya have it! This is the story of my weight loss at this age, I lose at little teeny fractions at a time. But at least I'm heading in the right directions.

So if any of you want to post your weigh-in, just join in!

Have a great one!


Saturday, November 04, 2006

Episode #7 Show Notes

Truths behind Deprivation

I wouldn't feel so strongly about this subject if it didn't come back to bite me so many times in my dieting life. I think that this is a big thing that we have to understand in order to let healthy living become a permanent part of our lives.

Here's a link to the pedometer I bought. Let me know of any others that you use and like.

Omron Pedometer

E&T Recipe # 7 - Suprise Reuban Sandwich

2 slices lite whole wheat bread
1 oz thin slices Hillshire Farms Pastrami
1 oz swiss cheese (I LOVE Lorraine swiss)
sauercraut (as much as desired)

Heat up skillet and spray one side of both pieces of bread with PAM. This will be the side that gets fried in the pan.

Pile on your ingredients and cook on a low flame until heated through, the bread is crispy and the cheese is melted. Eat with a side of golden mustard.

WW Points - 4

Audio Comments...

Hi everybody! I just wanted to let you all know that you can also send me some audio comments. Just record yourself on your computer, save it as an mp3, and email it to me at That way I could include your comment in my podcast and respond to you then. It's an exciting way to connect with all of you, so let's give it a go!

Take care of yourself this weekend! Let's get in some exercise at least once!


Thursday, November 02, 2006

Episode # 7 - Truth Behind Deprivation

Making the link between depriving and binging, discovering pedometers, my big announcement.

Download The Truths Behind Weight Loss - Episode 7

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

How about a weigh in?

I've decided that my weekly weigh-in will be implemented to my blog, and with some courage, to my podcast as well.

But here is where you all out there come in, I would LOVE to make an announcement of YOUR weekly weight-ins. By no means do they all have to be losses, this is a real podcast and blog. They are about the real story, ups and downs.

So if you all would back me up, I'll start this. Let's say we start this on Friday. I'll post my weigh-in, and anyone else can, too. Then I'll announce all your progress and mine in the next podcast, but only if you want me too. If you would just like to post your weigh-in, great! No pressure!

This is to make sure I stay accountable to myself. And I love doing it with friends!

I'll be making this announcement on my next podcast, so give it a listen!
