Friday, November 10, 2006


Ok, here we go everybody! I'm going to post my first weigh in. This is taking a lot of courage to do this, and opening myself up for goodness knows what.

But I know that there are a ton of very kind, supportive folks out there who will join me in this endeavor.

Ok, enough talk. Here we go!

Weigh-in info:

Current weight: 176.4
Difference from last Friday: -0.1

Suggestions for myself for coming week:

Keep active every day with help of pedometer
As always, plan out meals ahead of time

Well, there ya have it! This is the story of my weight loss at this age, I lose at little teeny fractions at a time. But at least I'm heading in the right directions.

So if any of you want to post your weigh-in, just join in!

Have a great one!



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