Wednesday, November 01, 2006

How about a weigh in?

I've decided that my weekly weigh-in will be implemented to my blog, and with some courage, to my podcast as well.

But here is where you all out there come in, I would LOVE to make an announcement of YOUR weekly weight-ins. By no means do they all have to be losses, this is a real podcast and blog. They are about the real story, ups and downs.

So if you all would back me up, I'll start this. Let's say we start this on Friday. I'll post my weigh-in, and anyone else can, too. Then I'll announce all your progress and mine in the next podcast, but only if you want me too. If you would just like to post your weigh-in, great! No pressure!

This is to make sure I stay accountable to myself. And I love doing it with friends!

I'll be making this announcement on my next podcast, so give it a listen!



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