Monday, October 23, 2006

Gonna try somethin' new...

Ok, so I've got a little bug on about sprucing up this "resource" for weight loss. I'm not technically up to date when it comes to web developing, that's my husband's field, but I want to help you all as much as I can. I am going to learn how to add the links to the things that I talk about on my podcasts and I'm going to keep my recipes here, too. It'll be like a Bibliography of every podcast.

So what to do you think? Maybe as time goes on, I'll add a recipe section. And maybe if I get really motivated, and I can coerse my husband to build it for me, perhaps a forum will be in my future!

Ok, so I am going to start it from this next podcast, but if any of you want some information from previous podcasts, just let me know, I'll be glad to give them to you!


P.S. My next podcast will be in a few days, stay tuned!


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