Tuesday, January 30, 2007

New Tuesday Weigh-In...

Good morning, everybody! Hope you're all feeling great today! Well, here we go:

Current weight: 174.3 lbs.
Change from beginning: +0.4

Keep agoin', you're worth this important decision in your life!

Post along with me if you'd like!

Take care now and have a terrific day!



At 6:01 PM, Blogger beatrix said...

Hello, Beth!

I'm a newbie to your Podcast . . . just downloaded your past editions and am getting caught up . . . but I can already tell that I am going to enjoy them much-- thanks for the inspiration!

At 1:52 PM, Blogger Iridessa said...

Beginning: 206
Today: 200
Goal: 155
Difference: -2.0


At 10:56 PM, Blogger JLF said...

Good luck with the pregnancy. I too started my pregnancies overweight, and though I gained about 20 lbs. with my first child, I only gained about 15 lbs. with my second one. And all of that came off with the birth of my daughter. One of my favorite pictures of myself is the day she was born. Somehow it seemed like more of a miracle, the second time.


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