Sunday, December 03, 2006

I missed Friday Weigh-in!

Sorry everybody! My daughter's birthday celebration was on Friday and with trying to coordinate everything, I didn't remember until just now to do Weigh-in Friday!

Well, as I want to keep it on Friday, and to give me more time to lose even more, I'll skip this week, but please, post your weight for this week if you would like!

Don't let my memory (or lack thereof) stop your weigh-in!

Take care everybody!



At 5:39 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

I was 3 pounds lighter on Friday! Although, my weight last week was unusually high after tons-o-pie on turkey day. Hey, a loss is a loss and I'll take it!

At 4:12 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Super, Sarah! You have to expect a little gain during the holidays if you choose to inulge, but you got right back on track and look, you lost!!!

Wonderful!! And if you have any other recipes, please let me know. I know there people out there who have some great meal ideas!

Take care and thanks for posting.



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