Friday, November 17, 2006

Friday Weigh-In !!!

Ok, not such good news, but I know next week will look up, what with bloating and all...

Here we go:

Current weight: 176.8
Change from last week: +0.4 pounds

I know I'm not alone, so I won't get discouraged!

If you would like to post your info for today's weigh-in, just click on the "comments" button right underneath this post and add a comment!

But I've already got some info!

Heather has lost 4 pounds this week!
I'm doin' the wave for you Heather!

Take care, everybody, and I'll be checking the blog for more of your posts!



At 2:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Beth - I downloaded your podcasts and am on #5. Love your podcast - you have a good voice for it. I am on week 5 of Weight Watchers, but have only lost about 2 lbs. It's discouraging, but I admit I haven't been making time for exercise. I am about 15 lbs behind you. I am a attending school full time and will graduate in May, and I also hold a job of 30 hours a week. So... My problem is ease of cooking/preparation. Sometimes I leave the house at 7 am and don't return home until 10 pm. AND, there are not very many good options on campus... chickfila, subway and cafeteria. AND I really can't afford to eat out for the 10 - 20 meals I need to eat away from home per week. The days I am at school, I don't have access to a refrigerator. So, I usually take a sandwich and apple, but it gets old. Okay, well, I enjoy your podcast and I'm glad I found you on the net. Good Luck!

At 9:46 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks so much for listening! I totally understand the frustration of losing slowly. Exercising is definitely the key, and of course, it's really tough to fit it in. Try different things for lunch to make it more interesting, like soups, or green giant rice and broccoli (in the frozen section and also if you have access to a microwave). I'll try to think up some things for you. But hang in there with me, what's most important is that your on the right track!


At 8:23 PM, Blogger Liz Love said...

Hi Beth,
Great job on your podcast. I've enjoyed it and made it a part of my "motivational package" during my own weight loss challenge in preparation for my first triathlon next summer. Keep up the work on the diet and exercise. So you didn't make progress this week, but you can. Just eat sensibly and try to get your body moving this week; especially with all those extra calories around this week. Reporting in: I lost 2 pounds last week. Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

At 10:31 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

So cool that you're going for a triathalon! Man, I would love to do a marathon, I really hope at some point I'll be able to do it! Great work on the loss last week! I hope we all have losses DESPITE Thanksgiving!

Take care!


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