Saturday, November 25, 2006

Episode # 9 - Truth Behind Support

Reading and responding to your emails, nighttime munchies, Lite Pumpkin Pie recipe, Dove "Evolution".

Download The Truths Behind Weight Loss - Episode 9

As always, Weigh-In is Friday, come and join me!

Hope you enjoy and take care!


At 2:59 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Thank you so much! Try not to get depressed about having to lose weight, really, it just helps (in a big way) to keep you going down the wrong path. You have to try to keep positive, although I know it's hard!

How wonderful that you have adopted two boys! Yeah, it's a worry of mine, too, that my kids are picking up my habits. It's definitely another good reason to develop better ones.

Well, thanks again! And we can go down the right path together and keep each other motivated!

Take care!


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