Friday, October 27, 2006

Thanks a bunch!

I wanted to thank you for the wonderful reviews I was given on Itunes. It's great to get feedback, so I am always on top of what you all need, because it's usually just what I need, too!

I'm already getting stuff together for my next podcast, so if there's anything that you guys want me to address, please let me know.

As always, stay strong with me, and allow yourself a little treat for Halloween. This is about living, not depriving. Depriving doesn't work, it makes you binge!

Give yourself some leeway and don't take things too seriously, relax and enjoy the socialization of Halloween. Rent a good spooky movie and enjoy some lite popcorn, a hershey bar (skip the almonds :-)), and some raspberry seltzer (in a champagne glass, of course)!

We can do this!!

I check for comments all the time, so if you are having a Halloween weakness, send me a comment, we'll get through it!


Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Podcast # 6 Notes

Here are the resources of what I was talking about on Podcast # 6...

Oprah's show about gastric bypass surgery

E&T Recipe #6 - Chocolate Pumpkin Cake

1 Box Devil's Food Cake Mix
1 - 15 oz. can pumpkin

Beat it with the mixer for 2 minutes and put it in a 9x13 inch pan, sprayed with PAM. Bake for 34 minutes at 350 degrees. Cut into 16 pieces. Top with fat free Cool Whip if desired.

*Yellow cake mix can be substituted for Chocolate Cake Mix

WW points: 2

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Episode # 6 - Truth Behind Vacation

Vacation meal planning decisions, major problems that can come from rapid weight loss, yummy E&T (easy & tasty) recipe.

Download The Truths Behind Weight Loss - Episode 6

Take care!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Gonna try somethin' new...

Ok, so I've got a little bug on about sprucing up this "resource" for weight loss. I'm not technically up to date when it comes to web developing, that's my husband's field, but I want to help you all as much as I can. I am going to learn how to add the links to the things that I talk about on my podcasts and I'm going to keep my recipes here, too. It'll be like a Bibliography of every podcast.

So what to do you think? Maybe as time goes on, I'll add a recipe section. And maybe if I get really motivated, and I can coerse my husband to build it for me, perhaps a forum will be in my future!

Ok, so I am going to start it from this next podcast, but if any of you want some information from previous podcasts, just let me know, I'll be glad to give them to you!


P.S. My next podcast will be in a few days, stay tuned!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Special Episode # 1 - Halloween

Don't let all that screaming during Halloween be because of what your scale says!

We are stronger than all those terrifying candy companies, and we can put them 6 feet under this year!

I know, could I get more corney, but hey, 'tis the season! Let's walk away from Halloween with a loss and gear ourselves up in a super positive way for the upcoming holidays.

Download The Truths Behind Weight Loss - Special Episode # 1 - Halloween

Ghoul luck (ok, I'll stop now)


Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Episode # 5 - Truth Behind Secrets

Have a listen and see if you can relate to what I have to say. I'm a little more passionate in this podcast, mainly because something got my dander up.

Download The Truths Behind Weight Loss - Episode 5

Hope I can help with these podcasts, and I'm doing this for you and me, so please let me know how I can help, and if there's anything I can jabber about next podcast.

Take care!


Thursday, October 05, 2006

My promise to you!

You know, as the days go by, I've had this feeling of something naggin' at me. Then I got an email from a listener of my podcast, and she clued me in!! I don't blog enough!

Well, I will definitely give some more updates of how things are going in my journey.

Today is lots of nose blowing and throat clearing, no, not PMS, a COLD! I was warned that when your first child starts school, there's about a month of being sick. Boy, is that true!!

I won't be exercising today, I just want to sit and rest, and I'll try to keep my craving for salty chicken soup to a minimum.

I've got some good things lined up for my next podcast, so stay tuned, it's coming very soon!

Take care everybody, and stay well!
