Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Episode # 1 - Truth Behind Planning

Ok, everybody, get ready! The first episode of "The Truths Behind Weight Loss and Other Weighty Issues" is here. Feel free to email me any suggestions (or gripes) you might have, but please - go easy on me, it's my very, very first podcast ever! It's bound to only get better from here (unless I lose my voice). Enjoy, Enjoy!

Download The Truths Behind Weight Loss - Episode 1

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1. Highlight and copy this URL:

2. Paste it into the subscription field of your podcast application (in iTunes, select the 'Advanced' menu, 'Subscribe to Podcasts').

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Welcome to The Skinny Shack...

...where you go to get the skinny on gettin' skinny.

Hi everybody!! My name is Beth and I am starting a new, exciting and informational podcast about weight loss. But more importantly, it's about the journey through weight loss, MY journey. It's a real story, about real problems of life that shove their way in to wreck your losses. I'm going to discuss all issues that come about in my life and your life. I really want this to speak to all those who are suffering from "post traumatic diet disorders". WE ARE DONE WITH DIETS!!! Losing weight for life is about so much more than dieting, it's about customizing a lifestyle to you and only you so that it will work, always.

So, please keep posted to my blog and I will have my podcast ready to go for you very soon!