Tuesday, January 30, 2007

New Tuesday Weigh-In...

Good morning, everybody! Hope you're all feeling great today! Well, here we go:

Current weight: 174.3 lbs.
Change from beginning: +0.4

Keep agoin', you're worth this important decision in your life!

Post along with me if you'd like!

Take care now and have a terrific day!


Monday, January 29, 2007

If anyone would like to post their progress...

Because my weekly progress of pregnancy changes on Tuesday, I've been using that as my weight tracking day instead of Friday. So, I'm going to post my weight gain starting tomorrow, because I really, really, want to keep the gain down as much as I can (of course, without it being unsafe). I just don't want to gain 50+ pounds like I did before. So, join me, won't you? I would love to hear how you are all doing!

Have you guys been weighing every day? If you have, has it been helping with keeping track of how your body reacts to different situations and foods? Let me know, I would like to revisit the subject in the next podcast.

Take care!


Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Episode #11 - Truth Behind Changes

Hi everybody! Thanks for your patience! I'm finally back with Episode #11. Have a listen and quell any curiosity I might have caused you in this past month and a half!

Thanks to you all for the wonderful feedback during this time. I so appreciate it.

So here it is:

Download The Truths Behind Weight Loss - Episode 11

Take care!